Lately it seems that anything can be done for the protection of children.
Case in point #1. Our Elementary school newsletter never lists the last names of students. So you get a ridiculous article like this: "The following students have been selected as Student of the Month for September: John B., Ashley G., and Joseph S." Seriously, why bother? I have no idea who these people are. Are we really protecting them by not listing last names? Are there a bunch of pedophiles who have a directory of last names and addresses, and are waiting for the school newsletter to come out each month? I really feel sorry for these poor kids.
Ok, item #2 is the following article I recently saw on a local website:
So it is suspicious now to watch children at play? What ever happened to the old guy at the park feeding the pigeons? I hope when I get old, they do not have laws about watching children play, or taking pictures of random people on the street. All I can say is, if Norman Rockwell were alive today he would be serving consecutive life sentences for observing youth.