It is no accident that you can purchase the Wii Family Party game for "only" $20. The reviews tell you everything you need to know. Now, you probably think I am going to rant about the lousy game play and difficulty of completing the games. But others have already extensively done that.
I am here to complain about the deceptive packaging. Glance quickly at the image above that is on the package. How many games do you think there are? We all thought it was 50 when we first saw the box. It was only after a second look that we realized it was the number "30" carefully rendered so that it looks like "50".
But that's not all. It turns out that there are only 15 games when you start playing. There are another 15 games that can be "unlocked". Given the skill level required to play these games, and enjoyment factor, I'll be surprised if we ever see more than 16 or 17 of these games.