I received this letter in the mail informing me that I will be receiving census forms next week. What a waste of money. The Census Bureau sent out over 120 million of these letters costing taxpayers millions of dollars. The rationale given is that it boosts return rates, saving costs in sending Census workers to follow-up with those that don't respond.
Here's an idea. Send follow-up letters to ONLY the people who don't respond before sending the Census workers.
This just doesn't add up.
I got the census forms yesterday. It clearly says on the envelope "Response required by law". I would think that grabs attention more than sending a letter in a plain envelope ahead of time.
OK, so within about a week of receiving my census forms I receive a postcard reminding me to send it in...another waste of money. The questionnaire clearly states "How many people were living in your house on April 1, 2010". Why would they send me a reminder before that? Shouldn't I wait until AFTER April 1st to send it in? Who knows, maybe somebody would move in on March 31st?
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