For the last 8 years or so, I have purchased H&R Block Taxcut software (formerly Kiplinger Taxcut). This year I was pleased when they sent me the following package, including the CD, at no charge:

As you can see, the package clearly says "Premium Federal + State", "Everything you need", "Full version", and "Enclosed is everything you need to complete your federal and state return". Let me repeat that last part again - "Enclosed is everything you need to complete your federal and state return". Right at the top of the package.
Why do I think they would give me the software for free? Am I some sort of idiot? Good question. I don't know. I thought maybe (1) they charge for filing the return electronically, (2) they give you the basic version and try to upsell you an upgraded version, or (3) they try to charge you for certain features, such as tax advisor or deduction pro.
Now, just in case the marketing people at Taxcut are a bunch of SLEAZY DIRTBAGS who LIE and COMMIT FRAUD I decided to load the software in February to make sure I indeed had "everything I need to complete my federal and state return". Sure enough, I loaded the CD and it took me to their website where I could buy the software for $19.99. So the package that they sent me contained precisely nothing but a pointer to their website (you have to download updates to all of the files after you purchase the software anyway). So I went to ebay and bought the software for $0.01 plus $3 shipping.
The people I feel sorry for are the poor souls who load the CD on April 14. They are stuck paying $20 (plus whatever it costs for State), with little alternative.
That really taxes my patience.
Hello. I work at H&R Block TaxCut and was recently made aware of your blog posting. I am responding regarding the TaxCut CD that you received in the mail.
I am sorry that you found the TaxCut packaging confusing or misleading. While it is true the front is exactly as you describe, the back of the pakcaging states, "For only $29.95, TaxCut Premium Federal + State now has more features than ever before."
The purpose of the mailing is to make it more convenient for customers to purchase the software. We will certainly take your feedback into account when we design the package messaging next year.
I also wanted to clarify that by inserting the CD we do not take you to our website to make the purchase, but rather we have a shopping cart on the CD that faciliates the purchase of the product (from the CD) via the Internet.
Regarding your purchase from you might suspect we do not endorse or condone the resale of our software by unlicensed vendors or consumers.
With that said, we know that many of the CDs showing up on e-Bay (and other auction sites)are product that we have mailed to individuals - and thus still need to be "unlocked" or purchased from TaxCut before they can be used.
The unfortunate result is that many people find themselves buying TaxCut from an auction site, only to find that they have purchased a CD that must still be unlocked (paid for), before it can be used.
I hope this is infomration is helpful and again, I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.
If you should find that you have purchased an locked TaxCut CD I would be more than happy to send you a complementary "unlocked" copy of TaxCut Premium + State.
David James
Sr. Marketing Manager
H&R Block TaxCut
I agree with you 110%. It is March 29 and I just found out how sleazy TaxCut promoters are with this CD mailing. I came very close to being an April 14 victim of TaxCut. I've been a loyal TaxCut user for nearly a decade now but after this experience I will certainly look at other offers.
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